


Day 1 (March 17)
The Westin Miyako, Kyoto
(The Yamashiro-no-ma Room)
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Awards Lectures
    (the Japan Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry Society Award for the Encouragement of Young Scientists Lectures will be conducted along with the oral presentation after the second day)
  • Visionary NOUGEIKAGAKU 100: visions for the 100th anniversary and future
  • the JSBBA 'Chemistry and Biology' Symposium
    (Plenary Lectures: Professor Sakayu Shimizu and Professor Satoshi Omura)
(The Mizuho-no-ma Room)
  • Banquet
Day 2 (March 18)
Kyoto Women's University
  • Oral presentation
  • Symposia
  • Luncheon Symposium about JABEE
    (Date changed from day 4)
  • Luncheon Symposium about the Gender Equality
  • Nougeikagaku Meeting for High-school Students
  • Luncheon Seminars
  • Exhibition of equipment, reagents, and books
Day 3 (March 19)
Kyoto Women's University
  • Oral presentation
  • Symposia
  • Luncheon Seminars
  • Forum of the Academic Exchange Committee between Government, Industry and Academia
  • Reception Mixer
  • Exhibition of equipment, reagents, and books
Day 4 (March 20)
Kyoto Women's University
  • Oral presentation
  • Symposia
  • Luncheon Seminars
  • Luncheon Symposium about JABEE
    (Date changed to day 2)
  • Exhibition of equipment, reagents, and books
KKR Kyoto Kuniso
  • Frontiers Symposium
    (separate registration required)
(March 21)
KKR Kyoto Kuniso
  • Frontiers Symposium
    (separate registration required)